A Master Class on Data engineering with google cloud by Dan Sullivian.Enrol now for this short course with certificate only on #5thir by #multicloud4u
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A Master Class on Data engineering with google cloud

-Google Cloud Data Platform Landscape, pros & cons
-Building Scalable Data Driven Platform with google cloud data platform
-What to use when?
-Further Learning and Additional Knowledge

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Instructed by

Dan Sullivian
Principal Engineer, Instructor, Author

Talks about #gcp, #datascience, #dataanalytics, #dataengineering, and #googlecloudplatform PEAK6 Technologies Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Portland, Oregon, United States
Software architect and data scientist with extensive experience in data architecture, data science, machine learning, stream processing, and cloud architecture. Capable of starting with vague initiatives and formulating precise objectives, strategies and implementation plans. Regularly works with C-level and VP executives while also mentoring and coaching software engineers. Adapts well to unforeseen challenges. He is the author of the official Google Cloud study guides for the Professional Architect, Professional Data Engineer, and Associate Cloud Engineer. He holds a Ph.D. in genetics, bioinformatics and computational biology with primary emphasis on infectious disease genomics and text mining.

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