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Meet Anjani Kumar
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Anjani Kumar
I am a data and product consultant who engineers products and sell them with empathy. Lead and Foster Knowledge and project collaboration between 10 K techies across 80 countries via my platform 5thir.com.I focus on long-term value generated for my clients rather than numbers because I am an engineer by design. A born leader and innovator. I am someone who can mentor people in thousand regardless of their professional background, lead from the front, develop build and design software products and go sell them in the market with empathy blended with value-driven emotional and technical intelligence with gifted Humor. I bring 20+ Years of strong experience in doing digital business transformations by building data full products delivered on Speed, Quality, and Value on cloud and in premises. I have worked with multiple fortune 500 companies, NGOs,s, and Governments to facilitate build 100 of products that have been at the center of strategic transformation for my companies and clients. I have extensively used Business, Data, Technology, and Application architecture to help business delivers value-based solutions by balancing frugality and quality with architecture and engineering.

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Company And Industry:

Multicloud4u Technologies


MD & CEO Multicloud4u



Mentorship by Anjani At USD 45 per hour



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Anjani Kumar

By Anjani Kumar

Data processing in Alibaba cloud

Anjani Kumar

alibaba cloud data processing anjani kumar etl extract transform load
By Anjani Kumar

Streaming and Messaging Basics With Kafka

Anjani Kumar

kafka confluent alibaba cloud, messaging, pubsub, alibaba clouder certificate, data, anjani kumar, alibaba, cloud, alibaba cloud, multiclouders
By Anjani Kumar

System Design:Multicloud Storage

Anjani Kumar

storage solid solution storing data, anjani, system design, alibaba cloud, oss, object storage service, anjani kumar, data, database
By Anjani Kumar

Understanding digital ocean platform at depth

Anjani Kumar

digital ocean, multi, hot, anjani.anjani kumar, multicloud, digital ocean platform, alibaba cloud, alibaba, aws, azure
By Anjani Kumar

Understanding Elasticity Scalability Scale Set in detail

Anjani Kumar

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By Anjani Kumar

Basics to Cloud Computing with Azure

Anjani Kumar

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By Anjani Kumar

Tutorial 101 Serverless Kubernetes on Alibaba Cloud.

Anjani Kumar

kickstart with serverless kubernetes on alibaba.anjani kumar, anjani, cloud, alibaba, alibaba cloud, kubernetes, serverless, multicloud, hot
By Anjani Kumar

101 Of AI driven Content Moderation using Alibaba Cloud

Anjani Kumar

ai driven content moderation using alibaba, anjani, anjani kumar, ai, ml, alibaba cloud, cloud, alibaba, content morderation, hot
By Anjani Kumar

Setup Free VM on Alibaba Cloud

Anjani Kumar

free virtual machine, free vm on alibaba, anjani, anjani kumar, multicloud, virtual machine, vm, virtualbox, vmware
By Anjani Kumar

Alibaba Cloud data Science and Big Data Stack

Anjani Kumar

alibaba bigdata, data science, pai studio, anjani, sql, database, data, ds, ai, ml, alibaba cloud, cloud, alibaba, data stack
By Anjani Kumar

101 to Alibaba Cloud APSARA Stack

Anjani Kumar

alibaba apsara stack, anjani, sql, data, alibaba, cloud, alibaba cloud, anjani kumar, sql, database, apsara stack
By Anjani Kumar

101 to Alibaba cloud in brief

Anjani Kumar

alibaba, 101 to alibaba, apsara stack overview, basics alibaba, anjani kumar, anjani, multicloud, cloud, aws, data, alibaba cloud
By Anjani Kumar